Exterior paint jobs take a lot of abuse from the elements. It can be very costly to routinely repaint the exterior of your home every time a form of damage or wear occurs. The best way to keep the exterior paint job in the best shape is to not constantly redo it, but preserve it. Our expert painters in Haddon Heights provided tips to help preserve your exterior paint job.
Manage Your Vegetation
A yard that is flourished with plants, trees, flowers, and bushes may provide a much-needed aesthetic and private barrier to the public. Time and time again, many people will face the issue of vegetation damaging the exterior of the home. We are not saying to clear out the lot completely, but it is important to manage it. Branches and vines can quickly grow out of control. Once out of control, they can become hazards to falling on or growing up the side of your property. It is important to maintain this before it happens. On the flipside, trees can be beneficial for your exterior paint job if they are placed properly and keep the elements like sunlight off of your siding.
Cleaning Your Gutters
The gutters of your property function as a way to properly distribute excess water and protect your roof. Unfortunately, certain roofs and gutters can cause debris to be pushed down the siding of your home. This debris can cause staining of the exterior siding of your home. The best way to avoid this is by regularly cleaning your gutters and roof to avoid a buildup of sludge above. This will not only preserve your exterior paint job but your gutters and roof as well.
Clean Your Siding
It is no surprise that exterior parts of your home can become very dirty. It is impossible to prevent particles and dirt from building up on your siding. It can both tint the beauty of the paint job as well as the damage it. You should make a point to powerwash your siding every so often to keep your paint job vibrant as well as clear of nasty particles. Be mindful of any cleaning products you may use. These cleaning products could strip away the protective coating that lines the paint. The best bet is to utilize a power washer and specialized cleaner that was designed for your type of siding and paint.
If you have any questions or concerns about maintaining the exterior of your home, reach out to Rainer Painting at 856-786-8121!